How healthy are all the commercial real estate pros selling office buildings and apartment towers throughout the Midwest? Not very, according to the latest survey from
BetterDoctor ranked the top-50 most physically active cities in the country, and few of our Midwest metropolises made the list. Aurora, Colo., topped the list, followed by San Francisco, Oakland, Albuquerque and Seattle.
The first Midwest city didn’t show up until number 13, when St. Paul made the list. Minneapolis came next at number 14.
After that it’s slim pickings for the Midwest. Lincoln, Neb., ranked 24. Wichita in Kansas ranked 40, while Cincinnati came in at 41. Chicago ranked 42, Milwaukee 44 and Kansas City 45.
How does come up with these rankings? According to the Web site, it ranks the percentage of residents who have had physical activity or exercise in the past 30 days, the percentage of city residents who are at a healthy weight and the acres of park space for every resident.