From The Top - Listen to four Lake County mayors discuss why their town is ripe for CRE investment
We will explore asset classes in 5 key suburbs of Lake County. Each Mayor has a vision for development, opportunity for financial growth and a plan for longevity that will share with you.
*Attendees can utilize this period to bring forth questions about CRE in Lake County.
9:30 am
Development Opportunities, Challenges & Trends in Key Sectors – Commercial, Industrial, Office, Healthcare, Multi-family Housing
Describe the new normal in a recovering COVID development economy
Discussion of new development in key sectors
Competitive Pressures & Advantages- Prairie Crossing WI & Cook County
Multifamily Housing from an investment perspective
Suburban Mall Repurposing- trends & opportunities
How can municipalities partner with developers to maximize development opportunities?
Federal ARPA & Infrastructure- What can it mean for Lake County?
Kiser Group is Chicagoland’s leading commercial real estate brokerage firm specializing in the disposition of multifamily, mixed-use and development parcels. Founded in 2005, Kiser Group works with diverse owners and investors to value, market and close commercial properties successfully. The firm’s unmatched combination of experience, market intelligence and track record makes Kiser Group the go-to broker for the Chicago metropolitan area