Godfrey Fire Protection District has broken ground on the new $7.5 million fire station and administrative building in Godfrey, IL. Earlier this month, members of the fire department and residents from the local community came out to celebrate with a groundbreaking ceremony. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the spring of 2024. S. M. Wilson is serving as the construction manager. The owner’s representative is Northstar Management and the architect is FGM Architects.
The 15,000-square-foot facility will serve as the replacement of the District’s two existing fire stations. The location at 3023 Godfrey Road in Godfrey, Illinois is more centrally located and has room for growth to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for emergency services. Relocating Godfrey’s fire services to a single building with all equipment housed in one central location will allow for better and more efficient manpower allocation during emergency response.
The facility will include three drive-thru apparatus bays, space for medical and other supplies as well as training and administrative areas, meeting spaces, offices and living quarters. The new firehouse is designed as a one-story building with a partial mezzanine on the second level to accommodate the apparatus bays.
The construction project is funded by a bond that was overwhelmingly approved in April 2021 by local voters. The bond also funds the purchase of updated, essential emergency equipment, including cardiac monitors and firefighter turnout gear, as well as the replacement of antiquated vehicles that are increasingly expensive to maintain.