What will downtown Minneapolis look like in the future? You’ll find out — or at least hear the best predictions — during the Downtown Development Summit held by Minnesota Real Estate Journal.
The event, scheduled for Oct. 3 at the Golden Valley Country Club in Golden Valley, Minn., will take a close look at the most important development projects hitting downtown Minneapolis. It’s news that all commercial real estate professionals working in this market need to know.
“This is an exciting time in downtown Minneapolis,” said Jeff Johnson, publisher of Minnesota Real Estate Journal. “The projects taking place today will change the way people shop, play and interact with downtown Minneapolis.”
More than 450 commercial real estate professionals have already signed up for this important summit. Those in attendance will receive either four hours of real estate continuing-education, assessor continuing-education credits or appraisal continuing-education credits. Minnesota Real Estate Journal has also applied for 3.75 hours of CLE credits.
Speakers at the event include Ted Johnson, from the Minnesota Timberwolves; Carl Runck, Alatus; Brian Lamb, Metro Transit; Mike Ryan, Ryan Companies; Jim Stanton, Shamrock Companies; Bill Kater, United Properties; Ryan Watts, CBRE; Brent Erickson, Cushman & Wakefield/NorthMarq; Brent Hanson, Wells Fargo Bank; and other prominent Minneapolis business and government leaders.
Sessions will focus on the game-changing projects taking place now or in the near future in downtown Minneapolis, the benefits of public infrastructure improvements, downtown’s residential boom, the downtown office rebound and key demographic trends that have fueled downtown’s growth spurt.
The summit begins with a hot breakfast and registration at 7:15 a.m. and ends at noon. The Golden Valley Country Club is located at 7001 Golden Valley Road in Golden Valley, Minn.
Early-bird rate for this event is $79. After Sept. 25, this rate will jump to $99. The walk-in rate on the day of the event is $129.
To sign up online, visit this link. For information about the program, call Jeff Johnson at 952-405-7780 or send him an e-mail message at [email protected].