Four commercial real estate property management industry leaders representing a wide range of disciplines will comprise the 2015 leadership team for IREM® Chicago Chapter 23, one of largest and longest-standing chapters within the Institute of Real Estate Management organization.
These industry professionals were elected to lead and manage Chapter 23 in 2015: • President, June McCrory, CPM®, The Missner Group. • President-Elect, Brian Lozell, CPM®, Seneca Real Estate Advisors. • Treasurer, Josh Rosenberg, ACoM, CPM®, McCaffery Interests. • Secretary, Jim Vocos, CPM®, Wesley Realty Group.
The Chapter, which provides a networking, education and social opportunities for members, identified these four major goals in 2015: 1. Continue to engage both residential and commercial members by hosting high quality programming and networking events. 2. Continue to develop the Chapter’s social media platforms. 3. Perform information gathering on possible improvements to the Industry Partners program, which builds relationships between members and area service providers. 4. Provide volunteer opportunities for members and Industry Partners to promote Chapter 23 as a community partner to local charities.
On March 6, 2015, IREM Chicago will host the 11th Annual Premier Awards, an evening gala awards and dinner event where individuals, companies and organizations are recognized for excellence in areas like leadership, technology, energy conservation and participation in the community.
Founded in 1953, IREM Chicago Chapter 23 has nearly 700members who are charged with managing office, industrial and multifamily properties throughout metropolitan Chicago. The Chapter works to keep members informed on safety standards, legislative activities and other issues that have an impact on commercial real estate property management. And, it provides members with industry education, opportunities for community service, job referral services and guidance for candidates seeking to earn IREM industry designations.