ChicagoWest Business Center (also known as JJK 343, LLC) is proud to congratulate Meta on the grand opening of its data center at the ChicagoWest Business Park development in DeKalb, Illinois. ChicagoWest also thanks Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, the State of Illinois and the City of DeKalb for their strong support of business growth and development. The Meta data center is a prime example of the state’s proactive legislation of data center tax incentives to increase its competitive position in attracting data centers, expanding economic development, creating local jobs and lowering area property taxes.
The Meta property is adjacent to one of the Governor’s recently announced Illinois Megasites Investment Program projects in DeKalb. This specific Megasite makes approximately 793 acres of additional land available (Region II and Region III) at ChicagoWest Business Center, ready for the next phase of growth. The ChicagoWest Business Center is an ideal location for expanded industrial facilities such as EV-battery manufacturers, data centers, light manufacturing and industrial development.
The ChicagoWest Business Center is a 1,200 acre, shovel-ready, industrial site with the necessary access to power, water, sanitary and communications infrastructure needed for large, high-tech installations. The location provides easy access to interstate highway and rail systems. ChicagoWest is already home to mega-size installations from premier companies such as Amazon, Ferrara, Kraft Heinz, Meta and more.