Consider this our Valentine’s Day post: Colliers International has heart.
Of course, this isn’t unusual. Plenty of commercial real estate firms across the Midwest donate a staggering amount of volunteer hours and dollars to charitable causes.
This Feb. 22, though, Colliers will be participating in a big way in an eight-day global charitable campaign, “Everyone Gives.” The event is a big one, so it more than deserves its own mention.
During the eight-day day event, you can make a small donation to the charity of your choice at the Everyone Gives Web site. You’re then supposed to use sites such as Facebook and Twitter to request that your friends, co-workers, clients and family members make a charitable donation — again, to the charity of their choice — too.
Everyone Gives is notable because it grew from an idea conceived by top officials at Colliers International. The real estate firm is the campaign’s top sponsor, and its idea has proven popular. Today, hundreds of charitable organizations have joined Everyone Gives. These include the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Room to Read, World Vision and the United Way.
The Everyone Gives campaign will launch Feb. 22 in more than 60 countries. The hope is that by generating many small donations — even $5 is important — Everyone Gives will result in a landslide of charitable donations.
“It’s exciting because it’s never been done before,” said Doug Frye, president and chief executive officer of Colliers International, in a written statement. “This isn’t another one-off charity donation. This is about enabling individuals to engage their personal connections to give more to the charities they are passionate about.”
If you’re thinking about kindness this Valentine’s Day, why not jot down Feb. 22 on your calendar? Even a small donation, and a brief message to your social media friends, can make a big difference.