Milwaukee’s EUA adds director to roster

Brady Mick

Milwaukee-based architecture firm EUA has added Brady Mick as Director of Workplace Strategy.  

Mick brings more than 30 years of experience in Workplace Strategy, Change Management and Design Thinking. He is known for his effective communication skills coupled with an insatiable curiosity to create measurably effective design solutions for clients across the country.

Relentless in his pursuit to understand people, Mick collaborates with his clients to gain insightful data that crystalizes their culture for translation into design, resulting in inspiring and productive environments. Mick’s ability to bridge the gap between business drivers and design helps clients imagine future places that will elevate the human experience.

In addition to a licensed architect and member of AIA, Mick is certified in Prosci Change Management and is a CoreNet Global Member with 15-years as Top-Rated Faculty. He is also a professor in the College of Architecture at Ball State University, as well as past faculty at the University of Cincinnati College of Design, teaching future professionals by connecting academia with workforce experience.