Renters looking for the most space for as little money as possible? They should look for an apartment in Wichita, Kansas, according to the latest research from RentCafe.
RentCafe recently released its annual look at how much space apartment renters can get for $1,500 in monthly rent. Wichita topped the list of 200 U.S. cities in which renters could nab the most space for that figure.
How much space can renters here get for $1,500 a month? According to RentCafe, they’ll get 1,463 square feet, more than in any other big U.S. city. As a bonus? Wichita ranks as one of the U.S. cities with the lowest cost of living.
In second place is another Midwest market, Toledo, Ohio. Here renters can nab 1,379 square feet of living space for $1,500 a month. Also ranking high in the Midwest are Memphis, Tennessee, where renters get an average of 1,293 square feet, and Fort Wayne, Indiana, where you can get 1,263 square feet for $1,500 in monthly rent.
How do other Midwest markets fare? In St. Louis, you’ll 1,096 square feet for $1,500 a month, and in Cleveland that figure is 939 square feet. You’ll get 1,166 square feet for $1,500 in monthly rent in Louisville and 927 square feet in Milwaukee.
In the Twin Cities area, renters get an average of 876 square feet of space for $1,500 a month in St. Paul and a lower 709 square feet in Minneapolis. And in little surprise, Midwest renters get the lowest amount of square feet in Chicago, where renters get an average of just 749 square feet for that $1,500 a month.
But Chicagoans shouldn’t feel too cramped. Renters in Manhattan, New York, get an average of just 243 square feet for $1,500 a month. As RentCafe says, that’s about the size of a parking space.